Security News > 2021 > September > To avoid cyberattacks, companies need to think like hackers

To avoid cyberattacks, companies need to think like hackers
2021-09-28 06:00

Companies are spending more than ever on cybersecurity but, despite a plethora of new security systems, they continue to be vulnerable to attacks, which are not only becoming more numerous but are also taking a greater financial and business toll on organizations.

To truly protect themselves, organizations need to get past the belief that the more money they spend, and the more security systems they implement, the better protected they will be.

These are decisions that an organizations' leaders - and not just their IT teams - need to make.

To prevent attacks, organizations need to put the lion's share of their security efforts, resources and budget into protecting that server and creating more barriers to accessing it.

The priority for the organization must be to set up defenses for key assets, so that hackers direct their attention elsewhere.

Throwing money at the problem won't solve it; to protect themselves, companies need to spend wisely, maximizing the efficiency of their cybersecurity investments to ensure that their key assets are as well protected as possible.

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