Security News > 2021 > August > Copyright scammers turn to phone numbers instead of web links

The problem with copyright infringement notices is that if they're genuine, they can't just be ignored, because social media sites are obliged to try to resolve meaningful copyright complaints when they're received.
They've copied a trick that tech support scammers have been using for years, and that some ransomware scammers have recently adopted, namely giving you a toll-free phone number to call for "Help".
What to do? Learn in advance how your online services handle disputes or security issues.
Never make contact via emailed links or phone numbers.
Links, email addresses and phone numbers in text messages or emails could have come from anyone, and probably did.
If one of your friends or family is vulnerable to telephone pressure, make sure they know to call you first to ask for advice, instead of calling numbers they're confronted with in text messages, emails or on websites.