Security News > 2021 > July > Digital Executive Protection: Protecting Highly Visible Individuals from Personal Cyberattacks

Digital Executive Protection: Protecting Highly Visible Individuals from Personal Cyberattacks
2021-07-15 12:11

A tailored approach to digital executive protection allows security teams to maximize resources and identify threats without relying on 24x7 physical executive protection.

Executive protection teams face threats from many sources including social media, telephone, email, and event in-person physical threats.

Unless an individual has 24x7 executive protection, these threats don't often escalate while an executive protection team is present.

If a threat actor is harassing or making accusations against a company's executive team, they are likely to leave digital breadcrumbs on chat forums or websites designed to attack the company, as well as social media forums.

Attribution and Coordination: A critical factor in successful digital executive protection is the ability to attribute an actor's online personas without alerting the actor.

Combining these pieces allows a digital investigator to continue executive protection monitoring, manage the intelligence for a threat actor as well as the victim, and ensure proper protection.

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