Security News > 2021 > May > Identifying and addressing critical OT asset vulnerabilities in 24/7 industrial operations

Identifying and addressing critical OT asset vulnerabilities in 24/7 industrial operations
2021-05-18 06:00

Vulnerability management in OT continues to be one of the biggest challenges in securing industrial control systems.

OT systems, which encompass the ICS, are computer-based control systems that automate and provide safety protection for personnel and equipment in the industrial, commercial buildings, avionics and other IoT-intensive industries.

OT includes Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Distributed Control Systems, the data historian and other servers and applications that manage and optimize industrial processes.

Once identified, the OT security team, in close coordination with operations and process control personnel, must isolate and upgrade/patch the critical ICS assets at the earliest possible.

A strong OT security posture requires full visibility to the entire asset inventory plus agility in the organization to mitigate or remediate vulnerabilities in time.

Organizations in the industrial sector can gain significant advantage by leveraging the engineering information embedded deep within existing systems and databases such as safety instrument systems and HAZOP databases, respectively.

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