Security News > 2021 > April > Cybercriminals are using Telegram bots, Google Forms to gather stolen user data

Cybercriminals are using Telegram bots, Google Forms to gather stolen user data
2021-04-08 04:45

Cybercriminals are increasingly using legitimate services such as Google Forms and Telegram to gather user data stolen on phishing websites.

Alternative ways to collect data help cybercriminals keep it safe and start using the information immediately, says Group-IB. In addition, ready-to-go platforms that automate phishing and which are available on the darknet also have Telegram bots at their core, with admin panel that is used to manage the entire process of the phishing attack and keep financial records linked to them.

To obtain data of deceived users, cybercriminals mainly resort to free email services to which all the info harvested on phishing websites is automatically sent.

A new trend recorded over the reporting period was the use of Google Forms and private Telegram bots to gather stolen user data.

The functionality of phishing kits is not limited to generating fake web pages to steal user data.

By using a special script embedded in the text body of the phishing kit, they direct the stream of stolen user data to their own network hosts or intercept access to their customers' hosting service.

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Google 141 996 4905 2857 1622 10380
Telegram 6 6 26 3 0 35