Security News > 2021 > March > The Week in Ransomware - March 19th 2021 - Highest ransom ever!

The Week in Ransomware - March 19th 2021 - Highest ransom ever!
2021-03-19 21:40

Dnwls0719 found a new Rapid ransomware variant that appends the.

Xiaopao found a new variant of the Xorist ransomware that appends the.

Xiaopao found a new variant of the Hakbit ransomware that appends the.

Xiaopao found a new variant of the SFile ransomware that appends the.

Dnwls0719 found a new STOP Djvu ransomware variant that appends the.

Ransomware statistics for 2020: Year in summary 2020, the year of the pandemic, was another lucrative year for ransomware.

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