Security News > 2021 > March > Dark Web Markets for Stolen Data See Banner Sales

Dark Web Markets for Stolen Data See Banner Sales
2021-03-09 21:59

Despite an explosion in the sheer amount of stolen data available on the Dark Web, the value of personal information is holding steady, according to the 2021 Dark Web price index from Privacy Affairs.

"The parallels between Dark Web markets and standard consumer markets continue to grow," Hoffman said.

A private database of 122,000 U.S. dentists will run about $50 on the Dark Web, while credit card details for an account with a balance up to $5,000 costs about $240, according to the report, which scoured hundreds of vendors selling stolen data.

The rise of cryptocurrency has made hacked crypto accounts hugely valuable in these Dark Web marketplaces, the report said.

You can score a hacked Uber driver account for $14 or a one-year Netflix account for $44. Physical forged documents are by far the most valuable, followed by document scans and even counterfeit money, which is popular on these Dark Web marketplaces, some of which are sold with a guarantee to pass the UV pen test used at many retailers, the report said.

"In an effort to mitigate detection and tracking by law enforcement, the Dark Web is moving towards increased security on all ends," according to the report.

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