Security News > 2021 > February > Warning: Google Alerts abused to push fake Adobe Flash updater

Warning: Google Alerts abused to push fake Adobe Flash updater
2021-02-21 14:24

Threat actors are using Google Alerts to promote a fake Adobe Flash Player updater that installs other unwanted programs on unsuspecting users' computers.

This past week, BleepingComputer has been monitoring fake stories being indexed by Google and pushed out by Google Alerts.

This weekend, BleepingComputer observed the fake news stories redirecting to a new campaign that states your Flash Player is outdated and then prompts you to install an updater.

While Adobe Flash Player has reached the end of life and is no longer supported by any browsers, many people may not realize this and click on the 'Update' button thinking they are installing the latest update.

Over time, One Updater will display updates that should be installed and offer potentially unwanted programs.

If you are redirected to a website, whether via Google Alerts, Google Search, or any other means and are prompted to install an extension or program update, simply close the browser.

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