Security News > 2021 > February > Ignore that ransomware demand and restore from backup – well... if only it were that easy

Ignore that ransomware demand and restore from backup – well... if only it were that easy
2021-02-09 07:30

You can pay up, hoping that you will indeed get your data back quickly, while knowing that the ransom is then likely to fund other nefarious activities.

Assuming the extortionists haven't gotten to the backups first, that is.

None of these options are particularly pleasant, though more and more organisations are being forced to choose between them, as attackers take full advantage of how pandemic-induced disruption has exacerbated existing corporate vulnerabilities.

What if you could ensure that your backups really were beyond the reach of attackers, ensuring that you were able to quickly bounce back from ransomware and other attacks, with timely, complete data?

Nicholas will be explaining how an immutable backup strategy can mean recovery is both quick and deliver you an up to date version of your data.

Together they'll discuss how end-to-end encryption can ensure your backups really are immutable and beyond the reach of attackers.

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