Security News > 2021 > February > Guide: How Security Consolidation Helps Small Cybersecurity Teams

Guide: How Security Consolidation Helps Small Cybersecurity Teams
2021-02-03 03:06

The dynamic nature of cybersecurity, the changes in the threat landscape, and the expansion of the attack surface lead organizations to add more security solutions-from different vendors-creating a layered security infrastructure that introduces new challenges to any team, with a much more significant impact on small ones.

Sophisticated attacks continue to bypass these advanced security layers while FOMO compels security teams to evaluate every new solution that comes out.

A new guide, "How Security Consolidation Helps Small Security Teams", reviews the challenges of a layered, multi-vendor security approach for protecting your internal environment and reveals why the concept of consolidation of security solutions is becoming the go-to security approach of many CISOs with small teams.

When you have multiple solutions, you get fragmented visibility to certain parts of your internal environment, making it easier for malicious actors to bypass existing security.

Deception Technology for exposing attackers that have bypassed your security controls by making them access fake assets.

A single consolidated solution that will keep your internal environment will truly help your small team handle operations, leverage their skills, and optimize their resource allocation.

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