Security News > 2021 > February > New value exists at the intersection of digital tech and sustainability

New value exists at the intersection of digital tech and sustainability
2021-02-01 04:30

European companies that accelerate both their digital and sustainability transitions are likely to recover faster and emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis, according to a report from Accenture.

The report indicates that companies leading in both digital adoption and sustainable practices are nearly three times more likely than other companies to be among "Tomorrow's leaders," thereby recovering faster and emerging stronger from the crisis.

"We are entering a decade that ushers in a new wave of business change defined by the sustainability transition. How European companies manage this 'twin transformation' will determine how quickly they will recover from the crisis and how well they will be positioned to sustain growth in the post-pandemic world."

According to the research, 45% of European businesses are prioritizing investment in both digital transformation and sustainability.

Strategic steps a company must take to successfully execute a twin transformation Fostering ecosystem-based business models driven by sustainability and enabled by technology: Twin transformation leaders already generate more than 10% of their revenues this way.

"The spiralling structure of the molecule that is the basis of life is critical for replication, adaptation - and flourishing. It is a powerful metaphor for business amid two parallel transitions twisting the laws of evolution in dynamic yet unstoppable ways: digital transformation and sustainability."

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