Security News > 2021 > January > Fired Healthcare Exec Stalls Critical PPE Shipment for Months

Fired Healthcare Exec Stalls Critical PPE Shipment for Months
2021-01-07 19:36

The FBI has announced that Christopher Dobbins pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year in prison for breaching and temporarily disabling the Stradis Healthcare shipping system using a secret account, after being fired weeks earlier.

Last March, as doctors reported having to ration and reuse personal protective equipment to treat COVID-19 patients, Georgia-based Stradis Healthcare, which packages and ships PPE and surgical kits, was eager to step up and help, according to FBI Special Agent Roderick Coffin, who investigated the matter.

Several weeks earlier, Georgia-based Stradis had fired Dobbins from his job there as vice president, the FBI reported.

Although the company revoked his credentials, Dobbins maintained a secret account, which still allowed him to access the company's shipping data, the FBI said.

"Partnering with medical professionals has been the fundamental cornerstone of our company and what we strive to do every day - improve the lives of patients. And right now that critical mission is more important than ever, because we know patients' lives are at stake, and we think about that every minute."

The FBI lauded Stradis Healthcare for its early engagement and open collaboration in the investigation related to the matter and said it help expedite the investigation and get the matter settled quickly and successfully.

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