Security News > 2021 > January > Feds Issue Recommendations for Maritime Cybersecurity

The White House has released cybersecurity guidance for securing the Maritime Transportation System, which operates along 25,000 miles of coastal and inland waterways in the United States.
The document points out that the MTS encompasses "361 ports, 124 shipyards, more than 3,500 maritime facilities, 20,000 bridges, 50,000 Federal aids to navigation, and 95,000 miles of shoreline that interconnect with critical highways, railways, airports and pipelines." In addition, there are more than 20 Federal government organizations that currently have a role in maritime security of all stripes, ranging from vessel and personnel safety to transportation standards and logistics.
The report enumerates several of these, starting with the fact that it's a diverse ecosystem "With businesses of all sizes leveraging IT and OT systems that interconnect with larger maritime systems. Users across the maritime sector access key data and management systems daily for business purposes, making secure access control and user monitoring difficult."
"Unless the private sector has a clear understanding of current and future maritime cybersecurity threats and a financial incentive to invest in maritime cybersecurity measures, some private sector entities may not be inclined to align with maritime partners or allies."
The report added, "Port services such as, but not limited to, loading, unloading, stacking, ferrying or warehousing Federal cargo requires cybersecurity contracting clauses to safeguard the flow of maritime commerce, MTS users and our economic prosperity."
"DHS, through the United States Coast Guard, in coordination with other applicable departments and agencies, will develop cybersecurity career paths, incentives, continuing education requirements and retention incentives to build a competent maritime cyber-workforce," the report reads, "And will encourage cybersecurity personnel exchanges with industry and national laboratories, with an approach towards port and vessel cybersecurity research and application."
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