Security News > 2021 > January > Exium launches Secure 5G NaaS powered by a zero-trust Intelligent Cybersecurity Mesh

Exium announced the premiere of its Secure 5G network as a service, based on the emerging Clean Network standards being promulgated by the US, EU and other freedom-loving nations.
Exium's 5G network service is built on an open, programmable, reliable, and software-driven Intelligent Cybersecurity Mesh that treats the internet itself as Zero Trust and relies heavily on strong encryption for all data transmitted, processed, or stored anywhere on it.
Exium's clean network is rooted in internationally accepted digital trust standards such as the Criteria for Security and Trust in Telecommunications Networks and Services developed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Prague Proposals, and the European Union's 5G Toolbox.
Exium's 5G clean network service is available globally on six continents.
The service is device and network agnostic, and users can benefit from 5G clean network security and privacy on 4G, WiFi, Fiber, Cable or even Satellite networks.
"We further enhance Safety and security for our customers with the Silicon Root of Trust technology. Apple uses hardware security for some of its services like biometric data, for Face or Touch ID, as well as Apple Pay data. We extend hardware security to all applications and services on all devices. Every single bit transmitted over the network is protected with high-grade encryption rooted in the silicon," said Khan.
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