Security News > 2020 > December > With AI maturing, are humans still needed to fight cybercrime?

With AI maturing, are humans still needed to fight cybercrime?
2020-12-16 20:11

In his Chamber of Commerce commentary, Beyond the Hype - Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity, Housley writes, "While AI systems support cybersecurity by enabling prevention or detection and resolution of threats, they should not be considered the panacea to all cybersecurity problems."

Next, the discussion during the webinar looked at how AI will benefit and enhance cybersecurity programs.

Elias gathered information for his article from Exabeam's 2020 Cybersecurity Professionals Salary, Skills and Stress Survey, which not only looks at the question brought forth by the title of his article, but the growing concern among people under the age of 45 that AI is a real threat to their job security.

To recap, depending on which side of the fence you're on, AI capable of finding anomalies in massive databases will eventually replace humans; or, humans will remain an essential piece of the puzzle because of the ability to handle ambiguous situations related to cybersecurity.

This will ensure individuals drawn to the fields of AI and cybersecurity will get to worry about cyber bad guys instead of whether they will have a job.

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