Security News > 2020 > December > Security automation: Time for a new playbook

Security automation: Time for a new playbook
2020-12-16 06:00

Without proper planning, organizations adopting security automation tools can fall victim to common missteps that quickly lead to less efficiency and a weaker security posture.

Start by examining the processes and procedures your organization's security team already has in place and identify the tasks that consume the majority of team member's time.

One of the best areas to begin applying automation is within an organization's security operations center to speed the process of pulling together threat intelligence and asset information from several different sources to aid in the investigative and triage process for threats.

Ultimately, automation should be viewed as an outcome amplifier for the security team - not as a replacement for the security team itself.

These will introduce the least risk and provide the most benefit by creating greater efficiencies, enhancing your security team's skills and freeing up their time to perform higher-level functions.

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