Security News > 2020 > December > 2020 to reach vulnerability disclosure levels similar to those in 2019

The number of vulnerability disclosures is back on track to reach or bypass 2019 as we head into 2021, according to Risk Based Security.
Earlier in 2020 that gap was instead a sharp decline of 19.2%. "At the end of Q1 this year, we saw what appeared to be a sharp decline in vulnerability disclosures as compared to 2019, dropping by 19.2%. Statistically that is huge," commented Brian Martin, VP of Vulnerability Intelligence at Risk Based Security.
"However, as 2020 continues, we are starting to see just how large an impact the pandemic has had on vulnerability disclosures."
The report goes further in detail on what that impact is and how the gap in vulnerability reporting has been rapidly closing.
Several factors include researchers and organizations returning to their old routines, as well as the Vulnerability Fujiwhara observed earlier this year.
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