Security News > 2020 > December > Growth of cloud-native apps and containerization to define 2021

Growth of cloud-native apps and containerization to define 2021
2020-12-04 04:30

Scality announced its data storage predictions for 2021, focusing on the rapid growth rate of cloud-native apps and containerization.

"For the storage industry, the container trend represents a significant inflection point that will transform deployment architectures leveraging Kubernetes and container-native storage APIs. Its impact will be comparable to that of server virtualization in the 2000s and cloud computing in the 2010s."

Scality's Chief Product Officer Paul Speciale added, "2021 will see a number of trends emerge as enterprise IT teams and storage vendors adapt in order to support the rise of cloud-native apps and the subsequent change in application and cloud infrastructure models."

Storage vendors in 2021 will create solutions to address the increasing scale and agility demands of container-based services, including boot volumes and logs, transactional databases, application data over traditional file and new object APIs, as well as backup and long-term archives.

In 2021 object storage will fulfill this role, becoming the dominant storage interface for analytics applications, such as Cloudera, Elastic, Spark, Splunk, Vertica, Weka and many others.

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