Security News > 2020 > November > Digging into the Dark Web: How Security Researchers Learn to Think Like the Bad Guys

Digging into the Dark Web: How Security Researchers Learn to Think Like the Bad Guys
2020-11-12 18:12

The Dark Web/Darknet continues to be an environment for bad actors to share stolen credentials and discuss successful attacks.

Just as there's a lot of bad on the Dark Web, there is also good - mostly in the form of intel that can be used to help protect organizations from attacks.

Attack forums enable researchers to understand what attackers find interesting.

One trend in these attack forums that has been popular and churned up a lot of discussion over the past few months is security on various web meeting platforms.

For this reason, cybersecurity training for researchers needs to include methods of accessing the dark online world so the good guys can better understand how the bad guys operate and beat them at their own game.

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