Security News > 2020 > October > FBI: Hospitals and healthcare providers face imminent ransomware threat

FBI: Hospitals and healthcare providers face imminent ransomware threat
2020-10-29 14:56

The FBI warns of a threat against the healthcare sector from Ryuk ransomware, and one that's already affected some hospitals.

The healthcare industry continues to be a prime target for ransomware, so much so that the FBI and two other government agencies are now warning this sector of impending attacks using the infamous Ryuk ransomware.

In a joint advisory published Wednesday, the FBI, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Department of Health and Human Services said they have credible information of an increased and imminent threat to U.S. hospitals and healthcare providers.

Specifically, cybercriminals are targeting the Healthcare and Public Health sector with Trickbot malware in an attempt to carry out ransomware attacks, steal data, and disrupt healthcare services.

In the advisory, the FBI and the other agencies offered advice for healthcare facilities to guard against ransomware.

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