Security News > 2020 > October > The 5 biggest cybersecurity threats for the healthcare industry

The 5 biggest cybersecurity threats for the healthcare industry
2020-10-28 10:00

Cloud-first security firm Wandera reports that malicious network traffic is the highest cybersecurity risk for hospitals and other healthcare providers and affects 72% of all organizations.

The new report, "Cybersecurity in the Healthcare Industry," ranked phishing and outdated operating systems as the other top risks.

A recent Verizon report found that a majority of healthcare organizations are relying more on cloud storage and predict that within five years most users will access this data via mobile devices.

Cybercriminals are going after hospital data more frequently because healthcare records are worth more on the black market than Social Security numbers and credit card information.

The report analyzed the most common security threats among employees and categorized the risks into high, medium, and low risk.

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