Security News > 2020 > October > Cybercrime capitalizing on the convergence of COVID-19 and 2020 election

Attacks growing increasingly sophisticated and destructive.
As eCrime groups grow more powerful, these attacks have grown increasingly sophisticated and destructive - respondents reported that 82 percent of attacks now involve instances of counter incident response, and 55 percent involve island hopping, where an attacker infiltrates an organization's network to launch attacks on others within the supply chain.
"The rapid shift to a remote world combined with the power and scale of the dark web has fueled the expansion of eCrime groups. And now ahead of the election, we are at cybersecurity tipping point, cybercriminals have become dramatically more sophisticated and punitive focused on destructive attacks."
Suggesting the prevalence of increasingly sophisticated, often nation-state attackers, who have the resources and cyber savvy to colonize victims' networks.
Destructive attacks, which are often the final stage of counter IR have also surged, with respondents estimating victims experience them 54% of the time.55% of cyberattacks target the victim's digital infrastructure for the purpose of island hopping.
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