Security News > 2020 > October > Serious Security: Phishing without links – when phishers bring along their own web pages

Serious Security: Phishing without links – when phishers bring along their own web pages
2020-10-02 18:28

Or the imposter pages may be part of a short-lived web hosting account - perhaps set up just a day or two before as a "Free trial" that will probably be shut down quickly, but not before the crooks will have cut and run anyway.

Usually, the fake login form that performs the password-stealing part of a phishing scam appears somewhere in the phoney web page on website.

Kakworm's script code would activate and the virus would spread as soon as the email was displayed, without waiting for you to click any further.

Avoid logging in on web pages that you arrived at from an email, whether you clicked on a series of links or opened an attachment to get there.

If it's a service you already know how to use - whether it's your email, your banking site, your blog pages or a social media account - learn how to reach the login page directly.

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