Security News > 2020 > October > Cybersecurity best practices: An open letter to end users

In an effort to make IT pros' jobs easier, Jack Wallen offers cybersecurity tips to end users-in particular, what not to do to keep company networks, equipment, and data secure.
Part of the reason for this is because you're always fighting an uphill battle named end users.
I hope the following security advice for end users helps make your job easier.
Seeing as how it's Cybersecurity Awareness month, this is the perfect time to remind your end users just how important it is that they do their part to keep the company's data safe from harm.
Not 100% of the time... more like 80-90%. Just remember, it's not that hard to keep those PCs safe from evening wear and formalwear got you again! Come on, end users... keep up with me.