Security News > 2020 > September > University Project Tracks Ransomware Attacks on Critical Infrastructure

University Project Tracks Ransomware Attacks on Critical Infrastructure
2020-09-12 11:43

A team at Temple University in Philadelphia has been tracking worldwide ransomware attacks on critical infrastructure, and anyone can request access to the data.

An analysis of the data currently shows that government facilities were the most targeted type of critical infrastructure - followed at a distance by education and healthcare - and Maze was the most common ransomware strain.

It's worth noting that the project tracks incidents affecting critical infrastructure as defined by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Ransomware attacks on critical infrastructure - click on the image for the full summary.

She says it has so far been requested by educators in higher education for class projects, research and publications; undergrad students for course projects; grad students for dissertation literature review; government representatives for ICS training classes, raising awareness, and assessing internal responses to critical infrastructure ransomware attacks; researchers for trends and patterns in TTPs across ransomware strains, comparing the data to their own internal datasets, and threat modeling and intelligence; and representatives of the private sector for training, threat intelligence, risk and statistical analysis, raising awareness, and overviewing current trends.

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