Security News > 2020 > August > Thanks for the memories... now pay up or else: Maze ransomware crew claims to have hacked SK hynix, leaks '5% of stolen files'

Thanks for the memories... now pay up or else: Maze ransomware crew claims to have hacked SK hynix, leaks '5% of stolen files'
2020-08-20 00:27

The Maze hacker gang claims it has infected computer memory maker SK hynix with ransomware and leaked some of the files it stole.

For what it's worth, the Maze crew doesn't tend to need to fib about these sort of things.

Whereas traditional extortionware operators simply encrypt their victims' file systems, and then ask a fee to unscramble the data, the Maze miscreants take things a step further and promise to publicly leak all the stolen information if the company doesn't pay up.

The ransomware crew likes to make a show of distributing the data of companies that don't pay up.

A hat-tip to the Register reader who alerted us to the SK hynix update on the Maze website.

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