Security News > 2020 > August > IRONSCALES raises $8M to support email security research and development, accelerate growth

IRONSCALES raises $8M to support email security research and development, accelerate growth
2020-08-10 22:45

IRONSCALES plans to use the funding to further accelerate its aggressive growth strategy through market expansion and ongoing research and development of its email security platform.

"While we weren't actively seeking capital, partnering with Jump was too good of an opportunity for us to pass up," said Eyal Benishti, IRONSCALES founder and CEO. "With this Series B extension, and with Jump and McNulty on our team, we will be able to accelerate our marketplace momentum through investments in both people and technology, helping reduce the risk from what has become a global email phishing epidemic."

With the tool, security analysts can now measurably increase the speed and accuracy of their email security through automated time-sensitive decisions on email threat mitigation.

The industry's first Phishing Emulator, a fully automated solution that enables security professionals to evaluate their organization's email security defenses by relaunching real-world, unmodified phishing attacks built to bypass secure email gateways and authentication protocols.

The launch of an in-app chat tool that encourages the sharing of phishing threat detection and open collaboration within security teams and amongst the global community of security analysts.

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