Security News > 2020 > June > Wailing Wednesday follows Patch Tuesday as versions of Windows 10 stop playing nicely with plugged-in printers

Wailing Wednesday follows Patch Tuesday as versions of Windows 10 stop playing nicely with plugged-in printers
2020-06-12 18:20

Windows 10 users woke up to borked printers following the monthly Microsoft bugfix party, Patch Tuesday.

The timing is unfortunate since many Windows 10 users are now working from home and relying on directly connected printers for remote working.

The company's own forums are alive with complaints from users finding themselves unable to print, with some reporting the error "Windows cannot print due to a problem with the current printer setup."

The issue, according to the BSOD Bobs, occurs when Windows is shut down with a printer connected, the printer turned off or removed, and Windows is then restarted.

The fix is to have the printer turned on and plugged in before starting Windows.

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