Security News > 2020 > June > Honeypot reveals tactics used by cybercriminals to deploy ransomware

Honeypot reveals tactics used by cybercriminals to deploy ransomware
2020-06-12 19:07

A honeypot created by Cybereason to lure cybercriminals and analyze their methods showed that ransomware attacks infiltrate their victims in multiple stages.

Using a honeypot, researchers at security firm Cybereason were able to attract multiple criminals using ransomware and follow each stage of an attack.

A honeypot is a network infrastructure built specifically to reel in cybercriminals to see how they behave and carry out a typical attack.

The ransomware attack against the honeypot shows that cybercriminals use multiple stages to infect as many machines as possible and maximize their profits.

"Even having reliable and up-to-date backups won't help," Malik said, "Which is why preventing criminals from gaining a foothold is of utmost importance. The top three controls organizations can deploy would include security awareness training so that users can identify and respond to phishing attacks, MFA to prevent credential compromise, and patching external-facing systems."

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