Security News > 2020 > June > NATO Condemns Cyberattacks Against COVID-19 Responders

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization this week publicly condemned the malicious cyber-activities directed against COVID-19 responders.
Now, a month later, the North Atlantic Council issued a public statement condemning the "Destabilizing and malicious cyber activities" targeting entities critical to the response against the COVID-19 pandemic, such as healthcare services, hospitals and research institutes.
"In line with their national responsibilities and competences, Allies are committed to protecting their critical infrastructure, building resilience and bolstering cyber defences, including through full implementation of NATO's Cyber Defence Pledge," the North Atlantic Council stated.
NATO also underlined its focus on cyber-defense, reaffirming commitment to use available capabilities to defend against and counter cyber threats, and to continue adapting to the cyber threat landscape, where both state and non-state actors operate, including those that are government-sponsored.
"We all stand to benefit from a rules-based, predictable, open, free, and secure cyberspace. NATO reiterates that international law applies in cyberspace and must be respected. All states have an important role to play in promoting and upholding voluntary norms of responsible state behavior and in countering destabilizing and malicious cyber activities," NATO concludes.