Security News > 2020 > May > Coronavirus-related cyberattacks surge to 192,000 in one week

Coronavirus-related cyberattacks surge to 192,000 in one week
2020-05-12 13:52

Cybercriminals have been creating phishing emails, suspicious websites, downloadable apps and files, and other malicious content all geared toward trapping people curious or anxious about the pandemic.

These cyberattacks encompass malicious websites with the word "Corona" or "Covid" in the domain name, files with "Corona" in their name, and files attached to coronavirus-related phishing emails.

In one case analyzed by Check Point, the attackers sent malicious emails that spoofed the WHO's actual domain of "" The email's subject tried to lure victims by promising: "Urgent letter from WHO: First human COVID-19 vaccine test/result update." But anyone who clicked on the file attachment named "Xerox scan covid-19 urgent information letter.xlxs.exe" was infected with the AgentTesla malware.

Other recent phishing emails spoof such companies as Zoom, Microsoft, and Google, all in an attempt to exploit interest around the coronavirus.

Beware of lookalike domains, spelling errors in emails or websites, and unfamiliar email senders.

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