Security News > 2020 > April > Europe publishes draft rules for coronavirus contact-tracing app development, on a relaxed schedule

Europe publishes draft rules for coronavirus contact-tracing app development, on a relaxed schedule
2020-04-17 06:33

Instead, it suggests that apps broadcast "a temporary anonymous ID that permits establishing contact with other app users in proximity." Apps will record that anonymous ID and, if any user that has been in proximity tests positive to coronavirus and consents to having their data shared, other devices that have hoovered up the anonymous ID will receive a notification.

App should be deactivated automatically and all remaining personal data and proximity data should be erased, as soon as the crisis is over.

Location data is not necessary nor recommended for the purpose of contact tracing apps, as their goal is not to follow the movements of individuals or to enforce prescriptions.

Collecting an individual's movements in the context of contact tracing apps would violate the principle of data minimisation and would create major security and privacy issues.

The app should encrypt data as much as possible in order to enhance security and privacy.

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