Security News > 2020 > April > Microsoft offers free threat notification service to healthcare, human rights organizations

Microsoft offers free threat notification service to healthcare, human rights organizations
2020-04-15 10:38

After recently directly notifying a number of hospitals about vulnerable gateway and VPN appliances in their infrastructure, Microsoft has decided to offer its AccountGuard threat notification service for free for healthcare and worldwide human rights and humanitarian organizations.

"Both AccountGuard for Healthcare and AccountGuard for Human Rights Organizations will initially be available to organizations in the 29 countries where we already offer AccountGuard, subject to review of local laws and regulations, and we will be adding new countries based on need and local law."

The threat notification service is now available for free to: hospitals and care facilities, clinics, labs, and clinicians that provide frontline care to patients; pharmaceutical, life sciences, and medical devices companies that research, develop, and manufacture COVID-related treatments drugs; non-governmental organizations, and international non-governmental organizations involved in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic; select individuals invited to participate by an eligible organization.

"Leading human rights and humanitarian organizations including Amnesty International, CyberPeace Institute, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch and Physicians for Human Rights have already registered for our AccountGuard threat notification service through an initial pilot," Burt added.

Those probing human rights or humanitarian organizations are after intelligence on these organizations and the people who these groups protect, or want to disrupt their work.

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