Security News > 2020 > April > Wiper Malware Called “Coronavirus” Spreads Among Windows Victims

Wiper Malware Called “Coronavirus” Spreads Among Windows Victims
2020-04-01 21:07

A new Windows malware has emerged that makes disks unusable by overwriting the master boot record.

Overwriting the MBR is the same trick that the infamous NotPetya wiper malware used in 2017 in a campaign that caused widespread, global financial damage.

In a posting on Tuesday, researchers explained that victims of the Coronavirus trojan find themselves with a gray screen and a blinking cursor with a simple message, "Your computer has been trashed."

The operator behind this malware takes it one step further, going so far as to take the coronavirus as its name and infection theme.

The malware cleaves tight to its pandemic theme: An installer sets up the attack by creating a hidden folder named "COVID-19" on the victim machine.

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