Security News > 2020 > March > Thousands of Dark Web sites deleted in attack on free hosting service

Thousands of Dark Web sites deleted in attack on free hosting service
2020-03-27 11:50

One of the most popular Dark Web hosting services, Daniel's Hosting, has been slaughtered.

Daniel Wizen, the German software developer who runs DH, said that this time, the provider of free hosting services is kaput at least for the foreseeable future which he also said, more or less, last time, in September 2018, when hackers rubbed 6,500 sites off the Dark Web in one fell swoop.

Wizen acknowledged the attack in a post on the hosting provider's portal, saying that the recent attack happened last Tuesday - 10 March - during the small hours.

At least, that's when all databases associated with hosting Dark Web sites were deleted.

DarkOwl says stay tuned: it's now preparing an analysis of what the Dark Web lost from last week's attack on DH. Of course, not all sites on the Dark Web are devoted to illegal activity.

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