Security News > 2020 > March > Playing the infinite game with threat intelligence and cyber fusion

Playing the infinite game with threat intelligence and cyber fusion
2020-03-17 06:30

Security, unlike traditional sports, is not a finite game bound by a certain set of rules and a game clock.

Given the inability of organizations to deal with the unknowns, security teams need to tilt the game in their favor by joining forces with other organizations in their sector, geography and implementing a strategy of simplifying and expanding intelligence sharing to gain greater visibility into the game before the attacker makes a move.

The rules of the game that you are not playing today could be the rules of the game that you might play tomorrow as the bad actor that is attacking your peer today might attack you tomorrow using the same tactics, techniques, and procedures.

The only way to level the playing field and proactively gain visibility into such a convoluted threat landscape is through collaboration via threat intelligence sharing with your peers, vendors, clients, and ISACs, etc.

In a cyber fusion-led security strategy, threat response is tightly orchestrated with real-time strategic, tactical, technical, and operational threat intelligence to ensure that they remain aware of the changing game rules in real-time.

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