Security News > 2020 > March > Hey, friends. We know it's a crazy time for the economy, but don't forget to enable 2FA for payments by Saturday

Hey, friends. We know it's a crazy time for the economy, but don't forget to enable 2FA for payments by Saturday
2020-03-13 16:43

Saturday is the delayed deadline for UK banks and financial institutions to have implemented two-factor authentication for payment transactions.

James Stickland, chief executive officer at authentication platform Veridium, said the huge growth in use of digital services made better authentication vital.

There are some exceptions to SCA such as recurring payments when only the first payment needs authenticating, low-value payments of less than €30 and merchant-initiated transactions.

How big a problem online fraud is a hotly disputed subject.

Government quango Action Fraud is the UK's central referral point for online crime.

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