Security News > 2020 > March > What is open threat intelligence and what is driving it?

What is open threat intelligence and what is driving it?
2020-03-10 05:30

First question for the podcast, Todd, what is open threat intelligence and what is driving it?

That's really what is driving this movement, a desire to have a broader and more open view of threat intelligence.

Todd, going back to open threat intelligence, how would you say the industry is responding to open threat intelligence as a movement?

If you're a sophisticated customer, and we do see large enterprises spending millions and millions of dollars on threat intelligence feeds from all these sources, and then a lot of those will look at a solution like ThreatQuotient, to aggregate those, the threat intelligence platform.

We're not biased to our own threat intelligence and we want to be open and flexible, but it doesn't mean over time we're not going to also have some of our own threat intelligence, but it's not going to take us away from the heart of what we're about, which is open and flexible threat intelligence.

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