Security News > 2020 > March > Check Point chap: Small firms don't invest in infosec then hope they won't get hacked. Spoiler alert: They get hacked

Check Point chap: Small firms don't invest in infosec then hope they won't get hacked. Spoiler alert: They get hacked
2020-03-09 10:00

Far from being depressed, Wiley was expressing the forlorn hope that infosec as a field would be less dominated by malicious persons trying to make a fast buck by scamming honest folk and businesses out of their hard-earned money.

As Check Point's incident response head honcho, Wiley has full visibility into what the infosec company's operations involve.

Check Point handled 2,000 incidents last year and based on January and February's attack volumes, the incident response director expects that to double.

A senior exec at a security company that is stoking security fears to sell more security, who's have thunk it.

Speaking of non-infosec-clued-up SMEs in general, Wiley elaborated: "They didn't have security controls, couldn't see the attack, didn't know how to to respond. The vast majority fall into that camp over and over."

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