Security News > 2020 > March > Devices on 5G networks demand differentiated security solutions

Devices on 5G networks demand differentiated security solutions
2020-03-05 05:30

Total mobile data traffic will reach 131 exabytes per month, with 35 percent carried by 5G networks.

While mobile phones will consume the bulk of the data, the sheer number and wide variety of devices that will be connected via 5G technology is likely to pose security threats not faced by previous generations of mobile networks, explains Professor Robert Deng at the SMU School of Information Systems.

"When 5G becomes pervasive, the majority of the devices connected to mobile networks will not be mobile devices anymore," he says, referring to things such as household appliances, lightbulbs, or indeed something mobile like an autonomous car that is itself filled with smaller IoT devices such as sensors.

"Some of them will be as powerful as the mobile device we're using today, while some will have minimal computational and communication capability. Given the variety of IoT devices, given their different capabilities and deployment environments, the security requirement of solutions will be very, very different."

He elaborates: "When the IoT becomes pervasive, the requirements will be very different from those for today's mobile applications. You have to come up with new security solutions for any particular type of IoT application, differentiated security services."

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