Security News > 2020 > March > If Tesco was prodded and probed by hackers, your data could be being flogged for just £2.70 – research

If Tesco was prodded and probed by hackers, your data could be being flogged for just £2.70 – research
2020-03-04 16:30

Data stolen from Tesco clubcards could be resold for just £2.70 a pop, reckons a price-comparison website that appears to have strayed into the dark web.

"Our internal systems picked this up quickly and we immediately took steps to protect our customers and restrict access to their accounts. At no point was any customer's financial data accessed," Tesco said.

Now price comparison site Money Guru reckons that any data stolen from Clubcard holders could be being traded by online criminals for as little as £2.70.

The site's researchers also reckoned they could buy British Airways loyalty programme data - presumably the hundreds of thousands of peoples' data, including card details, stolen from the airline in 2018 - for all of £4.90 a go.

Deborah Vickers, channel director at Money Guru, said in a canned statement: "Our research into personal data and how much it's actually worth on the black market is shocking to say the least. For less than £750 criminals can access not only your bank details, but online shopping, social media and email information too. This just goes to show how vital it is to protect your data where possible to avoid facing costly consequences."

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