Security News > 2020 > March > Railroad Construction Firm RailWorks Falls Victim to Ransomware

Rail contractor RailWorks Corporation is notifying employees and third-parties that it recently fell victim to a ransomware attack in which sensitive information might have been compromised.
The incident, which the company refers to as a "Sophisticated cyberattack," was clearly a ransomware attack, where cybercriminals managed to compromise systems within the contractor's environment and plant data-encrypting malware on them.
The affected machines, RailWorks explains in the breach notifications, might have contained personally identifiable information of its employees, former employees, and third-party contractors.
The incident "May have involved access to your name, address, driver's license number and/or government issued ID, Social Security number, date of birth and date of hire/termination and/or retirement," the company told its employees.
SecurityWeek has emailed RailWorks for additional information on the incident and will update the article as soon as a reply arrives.