Security News > 2020 > March > Orgs that sacrifice mobile security are twice as likely to suffer a compromise

Orgs that sacrifice mobile security are twice as likely to suffer a compromise
2020-03-02 09:24

The percentage of companies admitting to suffering a mobile-related compromise has grown despite a higher percentage of organizations deciding not to sacrifice the security of mobile and IoT devices to meet business targets, Verizon has revealed in its third annual Mobile Security Index report, which is based on a survey of 876 professionals responsible for the buying, managing and security of mobile and IoT devices, as well as input from security and management companies such as Lookout, VMWare and Wandera.

The report also shows that attackers hit businesses big and small, and operating in diverse industries, and that those that had sacrificed mobile security in the past year were 2x as likely to suffer a compromise.

Mobile users are at a disadvantage because red flags are more difficult to spot in emails rendered on mobile devices, but also because phishers are taking advantage of other communication mediums - such as messaging, gaming, social media apps - for which many organizations don't have filtering in place.

Then there are the threats involving the devices: device loss and theft, SIM swapping, juice jacking, unsecured devices open to compromise by physically present attackers.

Nearly a third of those with IoT deployments admitted to having suffered a compromise involving an IoT device.

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