Security News > 2020 > February > 2016 Again? Russia Back to Stirring Chaos in U.S. Election

2016 Again? Russia Back to Stirring Chaos in U.S. Election
2020-02-24 12:04

Just weeks into this year's election cycle, Russia already is actively interfering in the U.S. presidential campaign in hopes of reelecting President Donald Trump, and is also trying to help the candidacy of Sen. Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side, intelligence officials have concluded.

Lawmakers were told in a classified briefing last week that Russia is taking steps that would help Trump, according to officials familiar with the briefing.

One intelligence official said that members were not told in the briefing that Russia was working to directly aid Trump.

A senior intelligence official with knowledge about the briefing said the handful of U.S. election security briefers did not tell Intelligence Committee members in so many words that Russia was "Aiding the re-election of President Trump."

Mueller charged 13 Russians in a covert social media campaign that prosecutors said was aimed at dividing public opinion on hot-button social issues as well propping up Sanders and Republican candidate Donald Trump while denigrating Hillary Clinton, the eventual 2016 Democratic nominee.

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