Security News > 2020 > February > Veracode Static Analysis: Comprehensive analysis across the development lifecycle

Veracode Static Analysis: Comprehensive analysis across the development lifecycle
2020-02-17 03:30

The new release features comprehensive analysis across the development lifecycle, including a new Pipeline Scan that is optimized for use when code is submitted to the build process.

Veracode Static Analysis is part of the Veracode SaaS platform providing comprehensive software security analysis capabilities, developer enablement, and AppSec governance, including compliance frameworks and market-leading analytics.

IDE Scan: IDE Scan, formerly Veracode Greenlight, allows developers to discover flaws pre-commit in real-time as they write code, shifting security left to catch issues while they are easier and less expensive to fix.

"Veracode Static Analysis provides powerful capabilities for developers to focus on fixing, not just finding, flaws in code. The speed these products offer organizations is unrivaled in the industry, without sacrificing accuracy. Application security programs are most comprehensive and effective when individual developers in the organization become engaged participants and stakeholders."

Veracode Static Analysis allows organizations to scan early and frequently, providing developers with clear guidance on what issues to focus on and how to fix them faster, while offering comprehensive scanning of the full application to meet security team requirements.

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