Security News > 2020 > February > Security pros anticipate automation will reduce IT security headcount, but not replace human expertise

Security pros anticipate automation will reduce IT security headcount, but not replace human expertise
2020-02-13 07:00

Overall, 74 percent agree that automation enables IT security staff to focus on more serious vulnerabilities and overall network security.

Interestingly, automation highlights a renewed focus on the importance of the human role in security.

Fifty-four percent think automation will never replace human intuition and hands-on experience.

"Automation is already improving the productivity of security personnel across industries. We are still in the early stages of adoption and just touching the surface of how automation will enhance the capabilities of security staff and evolve security roles," said Corin Imai, Senior Security Advisor, DomainTools.

"However, the human factor remains the most important player in information security. Automation will never fully replace human intuition and expertise, and those that become experts in deploying and managing automation solutions will have a new valuable skill set for many years to come."

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