Security News > 2020 > February > Man tries to sell Jimmy Wales on blockchain for Wikipedia's security problems--Wales doesn't buy it

It's not surprising that someone would eventually suggest blockchain could solve all of Wikipedia's security problems.
As Krawisz said on Twitter, "It would be so cheap to record enough information about all Wikipedia interactions on the [Bitcoin] blockchain that you could probably eliminate all possible child porn distribution on it for very low fees. Think of the savings!".
Again, Krawisz persevered, telling Wales that he wanted Wales to "Think more deeply about why Bitcoin is a good idea," further stressing, "My point is just that because Bitcoin transactions always leave records, someone who uploaded illegal content would leave you with more contextual information that you could track on the blockchain than you would have if there weren't payments associated with their interactions."
Though Krawisz might think it's a good idea to force Wikipedia editors to pay for the right to edit, that violates a cardinal rule for Wales: "That isn't how blockchain works. That suggestion-to force people to strongly identify and pay for the privilege of editing Wikipedia-is a bad idea independently. And it would be easy and cheap to implement without blockchain."
One can quibble as to whether Wales is correct in his ideas on how blockchain works, his ideas on how Wikipedia should be managed are not really a question about blockchain, or even a question of technology.