Security News > 2020 > February > China Denies U.S. Allegations Over Military 'Hackers'

China Denies U.S. Allegations Over Military 'Hackers'
2020-02-11 11:04

The US Justice Department on Monday accused the hackers of stealing the sensitive personal information of some 145 million Americans, in one of the world's largest-ever data breaches.

Since then hotels giant Marriott lost data on some 500 million global customers to hackers believed to be Chinese.

US officials believe the Chinese military and security service are collecting personal data on Americans for strictly intelligence purposes.

Atlanta-based Equifax is one of three giant, little-regulated credit-raters who sweep up financial data on all Americans - their credit cards and banking activity especially - that necessarily comes with identifying data like their addresses and social security numbers.

Besides the data on Americans, the hackers scored personal information on nearly one million Britons and Canadians in the breach.

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