Security News > 2020 > February > Global shipping industry attacked by coronavirus-themed malware

Global shipping industry attacked by coronavirus-themed malware
2020-02-10 17:14

Hackers are using malicious emails about the coronavirus to trick people with a malware called AZORult.

Hackers used emails about ways to prevent coronavirus contraction in Japan as a way to spread Emotet malware to unsuspecting victims while others sent out fake emails from the World Health Organization or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to trick people into giving away their email account passwords.

The industry has been particularly affected by global worry around coronavirus, with shipping rates cratering in recent weeks and global container shipping lines rerouting cargo and reducing calls to Chinese ports.

"A coronavirus-related shipping supply disruption would negatively impact each of the company types listed above and it's clear these attackers are aware that a major event like coronavirus can have secondary impacts on industries. This awareness demonstrates not just technical sophistication, but economic sophistication as well. In addition to the health concerns around coronavirus, there are increased concerns globally about coronavirus' potential economic and international supply chain impact."

The blog post says every organization involved in the global shipping industry should be wary of coronavirus-related emails and every enterprise should proceed with caution when opening any email related to the illness.

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