Security News > 2020 > February > The current landscape for supporting innovation in cybersecurity in the EU

The current landscape for supporting innovation in cybersecurity in the EU
2020-02-03 05:30

Innovation in cybersecurity is a key enabler to facilitate progress in the NIS industry, boost employment in the cybersecurity sector and growth of EU GDP. ENISA published a report that analyses the current landscape for supporting innovation in cybersecurity in the EU. The study presents good practices and challenges from the Member States whilst trying to execute innovation as a strategic priority of their National Cyber Security Strategies.

"The CSA, the NIS Directive and the GDPR incentivised innovation in relevant areas of cybersecurity and data protection. To encounter current and emerging cybersecurity risks and threats, EU Member States need to strengthen and adjust their national capabilities by developing innovative solutions and objectives under their NCSS," said Juhan Lepassaar, Executive Director of ENISA. Different approaches to innovation.

Supporting and developing sector specific innovation priorities is important for coordinating alternative funding mechanisms and develop a sectorial approach to innovation in cybersecurity.

It is necessary to take into account different cybersecurity needs across sectors and develop sector specific innovation priorities both at National and EU level.

The Swedish Innovation Agency allocates a large amount of funds for innovation in cybersecurity.

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